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The Earth is Healing

For the first time in decades,

The mountain peaks of Himachal grace the world with its display.

The smog that once smothered any sight of the mighty mountains

Disappeared suddenly without a trace.

Descendants of Queen Victoria’s royal goat herd

Raid pubs in Wales all day and all night.

Deer with antlers big enough to carry a child

Prance through Japan in sheer delight.

Boars explore the splendor of Barcelona,

Quietly marveling at the view without a camera in sight.

Coyotes are able to enjoy the colorful streets of San Francisco

Without having to deal with a human in fright.

Why is Mother Nature suddenly coming out to play?

This is unnatural, the humans say in dismay.

In a flash, monkeys and peacocks and squirrels come to say

Hey! This was our land before you took it away!

What is this storm meant to imply?

Is the beginning of the end already on its way?

For far too long humans have poked

At animals through their metal cages with glee.

It's time for those who were once cooped

To rise against the ones who once roamed free.

For now a virus confines humankind inside four walls

And leaves the Earth open to be reclaimed.

Mother Nature is expelling the trash, the hate, the smog

And gifting her children a safer and sweeter home.

With thousands of precious lives blinking out every day,

Isn't it upsetting to know that it’s healing our home?

It is not just human lives that hold value in this world,

But every life is worth fighting for.

Somewhere along the lines, we’ve seemed to have forgotten

that this world was never just ours to be taken.


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