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Five Cents Rich

The five rusted cents in his pouch clinked together as he started down the narrow path home. In 2193, five cents could be the difference between starvation or satiation. A wide grin overtook his mouth and he hummed to an old 00’s song in unassuming glee. When the hair on his neck rose to attention and blood roared in his ears, he realized his treacherous mistake.

But it was already too late.

Five camouflaged VolBots shimmered to life from otherwise unsuspecting objects. A trash can, a beat-up tire, a 21st century bathtub. The government-issued robots zoned in on the one quivering figure cowering in outright terror before them.

While the Fourth World War was in progress, the end of the world seemed like a hair-breadth away. Then the impossible happened. Like an angel from above, a mysterious group dubbed the Unknowns arrived to preserve the world. No one really knew what happened. No one knew who they were. Their age, their gender, their species: all a mystery. However, after they delivered peace and harmony to the world, they kept innovating. There were now flying vehicles made with alternating matter, cures to every disease known to mankind, and pills that help people breathe underwater for over 5 years. The only problem with this prodigious phenomenon was the fact that 90% of the world was in the Second Great Depression. The rich people swimming in their own gold made the lower class pay for all of the advancements. The wealthy offered “protection” to those in need, but the only protection needed was from those in the black ties. Year after year, nonexistent money flew from the gnarled clutches of the destitute into the lavish palms of the prosperous.

“Zane Devlin, age 24, you are convicted of humming to a pre-War song. The fine for this infraction is,” the VolBot paused. A sensor whirred as the android scanned his being. “Six cents.”

“But I only have 5.” Mocking eyes taunted his useless predicament. Pleading with the android was as successful as nailing Jello to a tree. All wasted breath, wasted time, wasted energy.

“Okay. So what is the lowest loan you can give me?” Zane barely suppressed a sorrowful sigh as the robot barked out an insurmountable amount. “Fine.”

A surge of white-hot rage crawled up his throat, every inch burning a craving path of hatred in its wake. They had no right to push the lower class around like that, especially when they send mindless machines to do their dirty work while they sit around growing obese. It was all because of the Unknowns. A simmering idea took root in Zane’s mind. He went through countless ways it could go wrong, but his scheme refused to detach its tentacles from his mind. He was going to make it happen. He was going to make sure everyone asks “what really happened that day?” He was going to need help.


There was one person he knew who would follow him to the depths of the underworld without a question. His best friend Evie.

“Do you have a death wish?” Evie spoke as if she was asking about the weather. “One, you want to infiltrate the Unknowns’ laboratory: which has literally never been done before. Two, you want to steal whatever they have in their secret office: when you don’t even know if something is in there. And three, you would preferably like to get out with your head still intact. Is that it? No biggie.” Evie’s amber hair flew violently, curling like serpents around her head. Her normally serene countenance flickered in the light of Zane’s perilous plan.

“Come on, Evie. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life in this miserable dump of a home?” Evie’s expression instantly turned guarded. Her humble abode was a very delicate subject for the 20-year old.

“Okay, I’m sorry. But don’t you ever dream of anything more than this,” Zane asked gesturing around him. “I mean, look at all the money the Unknowns spend making those wretched robots. They don’t even let the rich see their plans. What would happen if commoners like us got them?” Evie met his emerald gaze with her own. “We could create a new dawn. Granted, the world won’t be perfect, but the power to change it will rest in our hands. Not the wealthy upper class who probably haven’t smelled outdoor air in their lifetime. Think about all those little kids in the streets rummaging through trash bins for lunch. Or the men and women who roam the streets trying to find shelter, much less a job. We can help them, Evie.” Zane stared at Evie’s downturned head with a hopeful eye. When she finally did cast her gaze up, tears shone in the corners of her eyes.

“Not bad Devlin. Honestly, just talk the Unknowns to their doom.”

“So… are you in?”

“Lead on Capt’n. How do we escape the inescapable?”


“I hate this plan! You aren’t even telling me what you are doing inside the building! I’m just standing lookout in case something happens. And what if something does happen? I won’t know because you're still stuck in that building!” Evie’s face glowed a phenomenal red as the blood rushed to her face. Her normally tight bun had come loose and a lock of hair fell into her mouth. She spits it back out and glares a hole into her best friend.

“Evie, calm down. You have a very important job. Remember those old transmitters we hoarded? Yeah, we’re going to use those to communicate with each other.” Evie noticed that Zane subtly skipped explaining his part of the plan. She raised an eyebrow.

“And…?” Her voice trailed off. Zane made an indistinct noise. “Fine, don’t tell me. I’m not your best friend. Hmph!” She stomped off, her dark boots making squelching noises in the slum sludge.

Zane knew that keeping the plan from his friend could prove to be a mistake, yet sacrifices had to be made. Evie would come back, she always did.


When the sun finally dipped beneath the horizon, Zane and Evie were dressed head to toe in onyx spy gear. Transmitters in place, they camouflaged into the inky shadow on the edge of the building. Looming before them lay the one intricate trap no one dared to spring. The silence between the friends was strained, and it was not just because of their previous argument. They both realized that not coming back was a very plausible outcome. This may be the last time their heartbeats pounded in sync. No one will know what happened in there if Zane doesn't come out.

“Be careful, Zane. Sure you’re an arrogant, annoying, oddball of a man but… Just come back, okay?” Zane smiled: a soft, wistful sort of smile.

“I can't leave my little squirt all alone in the big world, now can I? I'll be back, Evie.” He left, leaving a trail of chilling mist in his wake. The two-hour long wait was just getting started.


A dark feeling of foreboding crept up between Evie’s shoulder blades, inching treacherous thoughts into her mind. Zane hadn't returned and the clock had already chimed three hours. Evie refused to let her mind wander to ominous theories.


Two days later, Evie lay on her back, tears tracing their torturous path down her cheeks. She knew it now. Zane wasn't coming back. His dreams for the future, hopes for the next generation, and wishes for the poor... All gone. The world wasn't going to change, it never was. It never will.


A sharp pain in her abdomen woke Evie from her all-consuming nightmares. It was the same thing over and over. Zane's body broken and bruised hanging as an example for all future rebels. Four years did nothing to erase her best friend's beloved memory. When Evie's eyes shoved the lingering traces of sleep away and let in the blaring midday sun, the metallic monster from her dreams appeared in real life. The VolBot. Evie scrambled to her feet, hands held up in defense. They were coming to take her away. They knew.

“By order of the highest of the high, I hereby decree that all post-War laws are now declared unconstitutional. The VolBots and other machinery as such shall be sent to Global Recycle, the world’s main recycler. Citizens are now free to choose whatever profession they want, eat whatever delicacies they crave, and marry whichever being they choose. Our new illustrious leader shall be none other than Zane Devlin,” the automated voice bleated. Evie’s mouth dropped open, remembering the one night she cried herself to sleep. Four years later, she had given up all hope of Zane returning, much less taking over from the Unknowns.

“The illustrious leader has requested audience with an Evie Morlin in the Globe House at two. Thank you for your time and patience. Let the new dawn shine.” Evie blinked. Then it all came crashing down. The mission… it was a success!


“Evie, please sit down.” Zane was different now but that was expected. He was wearing a crisp emerald suit lined with gilded gold. His hair was combed back, a miraculous feat that in itself should have foretold how much had changed. An entire zoo made a pandemonium in Evie’s stomach as she sat down. How much had he changed? Is he still the old Zane? He smiled as if hearing the cacophony inside her head.

“It’s still me, Evie. We did it. We can change the world now, one small leap at a time.” A breathless noise came out of Evie: a hushed sob. She threw herself at Zane, four years of anger and hopelessness finally pouring out in a torrent of tears.

“I thought you were gone! Why didn’t you tell me you were okay?” Evie’s voice was muffled against the coarse fabric of his shirt. She was finally reunited with the friend closer than a brother to her. She pulled back, searching Zane’s eyes with a frenzied fervor.

“I can’t tell you.” Zane's voice thrummed with tension, the whisper of a secret cloaked by darker secrets.

“Why not?” Evie looked up at him. Zane looked into the distance and shook his head as if clearing his mind from a disturbing memory. His face showed the pain of holding back secrets. His eyes begged Evie to understand his predicament.

“The horrors and secrets I uncovered in those four years must never be unearthed by anyone. I can’t even tell you, Evie. Trust me, you will be safe without this knowledge anchored in your brain forever. For the safety of the world and everyone I care about, what really happened should never be divulged.”

And thus another round began. The world went in circles but no one knew the truth. No one knew where Zane came from or what he did. Just that he was and he did.


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